Misinformation about the common cold is perhaps much more frequent than the cold itself.
Do you catch cold from the cold? Cold doesn't cause colds, viruses do. Colds are more common in the fall and winter because the cooler, wetter weather drives people inside, and viruses can more easily jump from one person to the next.
Are some people genetically more inclined to colds? Scientists are really interested in this idea that if you infect people with the virus, everybody will get infected, but only 75% of people will actually come down with the cold.
What is the biggest mistake about colds? Probably that susceptibility to colds requires a weak immune system. If you want to diminish your cold symptoms, boosting elements of your immune system may be the last thing you want to do.
Will there ever be a cure for the common cold? Some promising drugs are being investigated. But it's a really tough nut to crack.
What about the power of empathy? Empathy can actually cut short a cold by a full day. That's better than any drug on the market, and there aren't any side effects!
Adapted from an article by Alexandra Silver. Picture by Corbis.
The Uncommon Life of Your Common Cold
ResponderEliminarThis paper discusses the limited knowledge we have of the common cold.
Most people believe that colds are caused from the cold, but that's not true, it’s just that viruses survive best when it’s cold.
Some people believe that they are less affected than others, but viruses affect them anyway, what happens is that only 75% of people come down with the cold.
We think it would have more information about the risks associated with having a cold, because it is so despised, and it can cause major health risks to the people. We also believe that doctors should try to find more effective remedy than the rest in the future.
Xavier Campos
Jordi Meavilla
Pol Moliner
Álvaro Romero
Sergio Sánchez
El artículo trata de los resfriados y los motivos que los causan. La principal idea del artículo es que los resfriados no están causados por el frío , sino por los virusOtra cosa de la que se habla en el texto es que los resfriados son más comunes en el invierno por el tiempo frío y húmedo que hace que la gente se quede en el interior de las casas donde es más fácil el contagio . Otro mito que cuestiona es el de la debilidad del sistema inmunológico como condición para que te ataque un virusTambién habla de los estudios que se están llevando a cabo, los científicos están interesados en saber si la genética influye y de qué manera a la hora que coger un resfriado.
ResponderEliminarPara acabar, propone la empatía como método para paliar los síntomas y comenta que puede incluso reducir un día de resfriado.
Lo que creemos sobre este articulo es que no hace falta que hagan tantos estudios sobre los resfriados, porque un resfriado no es grave y deberían dedicarse a investigar otras enfermedades más importantes.
Nosotros no estamos ni a favor ni en contra de este tema que se comenta sobre la empatía, lo que nosotros pensamos es que usar la empatía ante un enfermo le puede dar ánimos, pero no curarlo.
Esther Q. Vallès
Joan Soto Baeza
Pilar Lora, Carla Gálvez y Anastasia
ResponderEliminarThe uncommon life of your common cold
This article talks about the myths about the cold. One of them is that viruses cause the cold. Colds are more frequent in winter, because people stay inside for more time.
The second opinion is that only 75% of people come down with the cold, because the genetic resistance is different in each person.
The third argument suggests that cold doesn’t depends of immune system, but we don’t thing it’s true. Also the text proposes new cures of the disease. Finally we understand that the best cure of the cold is the empathy from the others, because your brain feels that someone takes care of you and it affects all of your body, specially the immune system . And we agree with this.
This article says that mistakes about cold are perhaps much more frequent than the cold itself. The main idea is that cold doesn’t cause colds; viruses do it because in the winter people stay at home and it’s easier that viruses infect people because they jump from one person to the next more easily .
ResponderEliminarApart from that it explains that scientist are really interested in knowing if to there are some people genetically more inclined to colds. Another questions are:
Do colds require a weak immune system?
Can you diminish your cold symptoms by boosting elements of your immune system?
Is it possible to cure a cold?
Can you short a cold if someone takes care of you?
In our opinion we think that the cold symptoms you have depend on how is your inmunitary system. Apart from that, we think that in the future the scientists will find cures for the common cold and we will never are infected anymore .
Finally, if someone takes care of you we believe about the possibility of being cured sooner.
Lorena Salesa
Sandra Sánchez